Tuesday, March 13, 2012

They Burp. They Fart. They Snore.

I was having lunch with a friend of mine, discussing men.  She took a bite of her food, and daintily chewed it, wiped her mouth with her napkin.  "You know," she said, "overall, I would have to say that men are a disappointment."  I was kind of surprised at her attitude, given that she's been married to a great guy for thirty years.  She shrugged.  "They are untrainable.  They burp.  They fart.  They snore.  They can't do more than one thing at a time.  They are pigs, can't pick up their underwear or a towel to save their lives.  They turn into two-year-olds when they get sick.  And- if they had to have a baby, well, let's just say that population control wouldn't be a problem, would it?"

I had to admit, she had a point.

Why is it then, that I am so fascinated by men?  Why am I devoting my precious spare time to finding the right one?

Men are so different from women.  For all the reasons that my friend mentioned.  But at the same time, men are loyal.  If you tell them something in secrecy, usually they won't repeat it, and they won't use it against you unexpectedly, at some later point in time.  They are usually pretty direct.  They are fun to attend sporting events with, because they are into the game and let you watch it, as well.  Sometimes, they can cook, and enjoy it, which is huge for a working woman.  Sometimes, they are handy and can fix nagging little things around the house.  And- if they can't they'll hire someone who can.   They will check the oil in your car, as well as the tire pressure.  Maybe even put gas in the tank.  They will hold a door open for you.  Carry your shopping bags.  Not comment too much on the vast number of black boots in your boot collection. 

The truth is, I just like men.  And the male body.  I like the way the male and female bodies fit together.  When a man holds me, I feel protected.  So even though men emit disgusting noises and smells, and may be challenged when it comes to cleaning a bathroom, I will always want one in my life. 

I guess that's why I'm doing all this.  So I can find the right one to grow old with. 

Hey, it'll give me something to talk about.

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