Monday, May 21, 2012


I swim most mornings at the crack of dawn.  It's just a great way to start the day.  I swim in the deep end of the pool.  There are a few of us who like it down there, and it's like being in the back of the old school bus; instant party.

Most of us are middle-aged women, a few are seniors.  While men swim, too, most of them prefer the shallower water.  What we all share is a love of the water.  So we're there, in  all weather.  I'm a bit of a wimp;  I like warmer water so if the temperature is too cold I actually wear a really thin wetsuit. 

Comfort is tantamount at 5:30 in the morning.

So, you get in the water and go.  I swim in blocks, doing a total of 72 laps.  During a kicking block, I have my head out of the water and can see people on the edge coming and going.  If I'm lucky one of my swim buddies will be kicking at the same time as me and we can converse a bit.  I'm pretty good at conversing.

One morning five or six of us were kicking at the same time. A particularly young and fit male came to the side of the pool, adjusting his cap and goggles, ready to get in and work out.  As one, all of our heads swiveled, assessed him, then quickly and studiously turned our heads back again, facing forward.
I looked at the woman I was sharing a lane with, grinning.

"Well, we're not dead yet!" she replied, grinning back.

I have to say, one thing that we women seemed to perfect as we age is the art of checking out a boy without appearing to check him out.  Unlike men, who can be a bit obvious when looking.  And, let's face it, who doesn't look?  You can admire without being obnoxious about it.

Of course, not all women are subtle.  The other night I was going to a ball game with the man I was dating, and on the ferry ride over to the park, a woman who had maybe a few too many pre-game cocktails was all over him.  Wanted to know where he was sitting at the park, insisted on giving him a good-bye hug before she lurched off.   While he deflected her nicely, with a comment about me, since I was sitting there, she didn't quite get it, but maybe that was the alcohol talking.  I look at it as a validation of my choice when some other woman checks him out, but really, she could have toned it down a bit.  She was also with a guy, who stood by, and said nothing.  Husband?  Boyfriend?  Brother?  Friend?  Who knows, but maybe when she's as old as me, she'll learn to be a bit more discrete about her interest.  We all look.  Some of us are just better at hiding it.

I heard the local fire department will be starting pool workouts, soon.  I got a new swim cap in anticipation.


  1. Your date sounds like a gentleman. Good story. But not realistic. You know all men are dogs, and I'll bet he got her number when you weren't looking.
