Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I had a coffee date not too long ago that was very encouraging.  While there were no real fireworks or supersonic explosions, he seemed like a decent, attentive guy.  He was well dressed and soft spoken, and though a little boring, really, seemed like a good guy.  We talked about our jobs, our kids, our workouts.  Movies we liked.  Food we liked.  After twenty minutes, we rose, and hugged good-bye, and went our separate ways.

I didn't hear back from him.  So, curious, after about a week or so, I sent him an e-mail:

"Hi.  Enjoyed meeting you.  I was wondering if you might be interested in having lunch?  One of those restaurants we talked about might be nice.  Let me know what your schedule is like.  Thanks."

He e-mailed me back:

"I enjoyed meeting you.  Good-Bye."

What exactly did that mean?  Did he want to have lunch? Was he kissing me off?  How oblique was he, and how obtuse was I?  I was a little confused.  I guess it was a kiss off, but I really wanted to make sure. Why not just say that I wasn't what he was looking for?  I'm nothing if not a wordy masochist.  So, of course, unwilling to leave well enough alone, I e-mailed him back:

"Hi.  I just needed a little clarification regarding your last e-mail.  Did you want to have lunch, or not?  Thanks."

I figured I wouldn't hear from him again.  After about a week, I received another e-mail from him:


Okay.  So the wordy masochist, whom, I might add, had manners, was dealing with a rude, arrogant man with none.  At least I was clear on where I stood.

I didn't respond.  Two weeks later, I got an e-mail from him:

"Hi.  Would you like to have lunch?"

I responded:


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